Manage Appliance Profiles

An optional appliance profile specifies a combination of logging configuration, software update schedules, and appliance configuration options that you can assign to appliances. This can be useful, for example, to assign different logging levels, software update schedules, or network profile information to different appliances or groups of appliances.

Before you create an appliance profile, you must create at least one logger configuration, device update schedule, or network profile.

Create a network profile

A network profile defines network configuration information that you can associate with an appliance profile. Currently, a network profile defines private container registry information that specifies the location from which the Minion Appliance will access the Minion container images.

You may want to create a private container registry for situations where network restrictions do not allow the Minion Appliance to pull Minion images directly from Docker Hub.

Before you create a network profile to define your container registry information, you must create a container registry.

Create a container registry

Describing how to set up a container registry is beyond the scope of this documentation. Refer to the documentation from your preferred container registry service.

Users are responsible for the maintenance and proper functioning of their registry. We recommend that you test pulling the Minion container (either manually or on a single appliance) before rolling out to your entire fleet of appliances.

When using a container registry, the digest of the image in your private registry must match exactly the digest of the image from Docker Hub. We recommend setting up your registry as a pull-through cache (see your registry service’s documentation for directions on how to do so).

Refer to the main OpenNMS documentation for a list of the Meridian images that you can pull, in the format opennms/meridian-minion:<core version> (for example, opennms/meridian-minion:2022.1.5).

Before you update your OpenNMS Meridian instance, make sure that your registry can download the corresponding Minion container.

You can deploy multiple registry caches over the same backend. A single registry cache ensures that concurrent requests do not pull duplicate data, but this property does not hold true for a registry cache cluster.

Specify a private registry to access Minion Appliance images

To specify a private registry to access appliance images, follow these steps:

  1. (Optional) Create and upload a security certificate.

    Note that you need to do this only if your private registry does not use a certificate signed by a public certificate authority.

  2. Navigate to Appliances  Network Profiles.

  3. Click Add New, or edit an existing network profile.

  4. Under Custom Registry, specify the required information and click Add New.

  5. To add the network profile to an appliance, create an appliance profile and add the appliance profile to an appliance.

Create appliance profile

Follow these steps to create an appliance profile:

  1. Navigate to Appliances  Appliance Profiles.

  2. Click Add New.

  3. Fill in the appropriate information and click Add New.

Add profile to appliance

Follow these steps to add a profile to an appliance:

  1. Navigate to Appliances.

  2. Click the Edit symbol beside the appliance that you want to add a profile to.

  3. Choose a profile from the Profile list.

  4. Click Update.

To remove a profile, choose one from the Profile (Optional) list and click the trash symbol.
